Tuesday 13 December 2011

Yes i am a GIRL..

I push Doors that clearly says PULL ;)
I laugh harder when i try to explain y i ma laughing =D...
I walk into room and forget why i was there B)
I count on my fingers in math class =D
I try to accomplish things with time still on the microwave =/
I lie sometimes to hide the pain =(
I cry a lot more that u think i can do. X(

I am not so strong as my smile seems to be :)

I get attached to people who care even little bit about me. :)

A broken nail is as painful as broken heart ;-)

I say it's a long story when its really not :-x
I fall in love too hard too fast.

And i always care mor
e than i can.. =))

Yess I AM A GI
RL, & I'M PROUD OF IT.. =)

Friday 9 December 2011

fact :)

In this weird Twisted way ,,, I know eu Misx  me liking eu ,,, NOT BECAUSE I want to believe its TRUE ,,, BUT because EU"LL NEVER FINE A GURL DAT can put up wif eu lyke I did :)) 
Eu'll never fine a gurl who will CARE as much as I DID ,, 
BECAUSE nO one will waste all their LURP on sumone lyke eu ,,,, 
LYKE I DID <<< and I regret it alll my life ....

fact :)

 In this weird twisted way ,, I know eu misx me liking eu ,,, Not because I want to believe its TRUE ,,BUT because eu'll never find a gurl dat can put up wif eu lyke I DID :)) EU"LL NEVER find a gurl who care as much AS I DID ,, because NO ONE will WASTE their LURP on sumone lyke EU <<< LYKE I DID << and I regret it all my life .... 

from what i see ,, saw ,, feel

LOVE What is it ? We think about it ,,, Sing about it ,,, Dream about it ,, Lose sleep worrying about it ,,,, When we dont have it ,, We search for it : When we discover it ,, we dont know what to do wif it : When we have it ,, WE fear losing it . 
IT is the constant source of pleasure and pain . We cant predict which it will be from one moment to the next >>> 
 IT is a short word ,, easy to spell ,,DIFFICULT TO DEFINE ,, impossible to live without ,,,,, <3<3<3 :)